Published my new work on Dodho magazine
My new work " Starting a New Journey" has got introduced on the Dodho magazine. I am very happy and encouraged my future activity.

Published my new work on AINT-BAD website
My new work " Starting a New Journey" was introduced on the AINT-BAD (An Independent Publisher of New Photographic Art) website.


染花のアーティスト秦碧さんの作品集「慈しみの染花」出版記念展のお知らせ(写真展示 千代田路子)

FotoFest 2018 in Huston.
I participated the FotoFest in Houston during 20th-23th March. I meets 5 specialists such as curators, editors, exhibition directors...

Group Photo Exhibition ( SAMURAI FOTO Exhibition 2018.2.27-3.4)
I am participating in a SAMURAI FOTO Exhibition (group photo exhibitionin) at sabway gallery in Yokohama from 27th Feb to 4th March. I...

Group Exhibition : 2011年3月6日 Tokyo Tower

Group Exhibition
I am participating in a group photo exhibition in CORSO gallery in Tokyo from 19th to 25th November. I exhibited pictures taken in Aomori...

Website renewed
The website has been renewed.

Photo Auction 2017-MOPA
I am very please to be any of help to society with my works. My two pictures were selected as one for an auction of MOPA ( Museum of...