My work"Oshichi" have been introduced in the "BLACK & WHITE 2017 PRINT EDITION". I appreciate the activities of the dodho magazine. It...

I am very honored to have been selected one of finalists of the 2017 Black & White Awards. It is really encouraging me to walk forward...

Digital Camara Magazine
My activities and works have been introduced on the Digital Camara Magazine in Japan. デジタルカメラマガジン4月号に「編集長が行く!メーカーだって、やっぱり写真が好き!」コーナーに紹介され...

" Emerging Visions of Japan"
I joined the photo Exhibition " Emerging Visions of Japan" by SAMURAI FOTO Group ( 2017.2.20--2.26 / Yokohama ) and I appeared in some...

Photo Review
It is an unexpected opportunity to have been reviewed by Ms.Klochko/ Executive Director of San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts. Her...

My works has been selected as one of "15 Talented Asian Photographers"
My works has been selected as one of "15 Talented Asian Photographers" by Dodho magazine. I am very happy and it's really have...

My interview was put on the Dodho Magazine. 作品についてのインタビュー記事が掲載されました。作品について深める機会ともなり、良い経験でした。

the Dodho Magazine ISSUE #02 Print Edition
My work has been introduced using 16pages on the Dodho Magazine ISSUE #02 Print Edition. As I have strong intention to sophisticate this...

"Oshichi" has been introduced on the Dodho Magazine & GUP Magazine.
My work was introduced on the Dodhi Magazine website today and GUP Magazine. http://www.dodho.com/oshichi-michiko-chiyoda/

”Starting a New Story” was selected one of "A further 40 photographers" by ESPY Award 2015. ”Starting a New Story” の作品が最終審査に残りました。...